Monday, January 28, 2008

Tales and Legends

Sometimes things just come together... I had done the watercolour sploshes as a test swatch for some colours I was trying together... then I found a butterfly wing in the garden and put it absentmindedly in my studio - saw it fit the curve on the watercolour, thought about what to do about that - flying/breaking up - Icarus! Tales and Legends! Voila!



the background color works very well..! love your style. ^_^

Gillian said...

Oh if art could always be this effortless!! I often find dragonfly remains - beautiful iridescent wings - both large and small. I keep thinking they're should be used somehow to display their beauty - and NOT the pin thru body - museum thing either! Thanks sister - your beautiful little picture has given me hope for the next dragonfly wing I find!

Fourborne said...

I really like how this came together.

pretty day said...

This is really pretty. It works perfectly.