Saturday, February 16, 2008


Rhonda thought that, in theory, she should be able to cross the river using the stepping-stones.

P.S.... As observed in the comment by my sister, Vivienne, I got the idea for this from a visit to Royal Zambezi Lodge, in Zambia, where we were lucky enough to spend a holiday. This photo of the hippos there is currently my wallpaper on my desktop, and was the inspiration for this illustration!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


For Rhonda with a sweet tooth, this is a toughie...

This comes from childhood memories of going to the little corner shop in Cape Town, with two cents or five cents and staring for ages at what seemed like a vast array of difficult choices - though you could get quite a lot for your money (two or four sweets for a cent). In those days there weren't restrictions on colourants or hygienic plastic wrappers on everything, but ah, it was exciting.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I'm thinking of trying to make all my Illustration Friday posts feature this little lady - though you can't tell whether it's her in this illustration - and I hope she doesn't have to sleep out on the street.... I prefer to think that she's out camping under the stars here. My sister has named her Rhonda.